The First Issue
The First Issue
(Editors' Note: This is a re-print of the first article in the first issue of this very publication, from August, 1935. Our recent perusing through history turned up many gems from Bulletins past, which we look forward to sharing with readers from time to time in future issues. The publication title mentioned below reflected this organization's former name, the Minnesota State Organization of the Blind).
In this first issue of the M. S. O. B. Bulletin, the name chosen by the Staff, there will appear many articles, which, it is hoped, will interest members of the Organization. At the last Annual Convention a resolution was approved by that body establishing a regular bulletin printed by the Organization to stimulate interest in the activities and to put at the disposal of members a column in which readers may express opinions, ideas and suggestions of interest to fellow members.
Thanks to the allert [sic] memory of our good friend Mrs. Frank Finsterbach, our Staff was able to resurrect and recondition a type of mimeograph machine which is now being used in the printing of this paper; thus saving the Organization a matter of about thirty dollars.
The Bulletin requests that you make it your friend, your informant, your mouth-piece to other members and your very own publication.