The National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota (NFBMN) is the only organization that believes in the full capacity of blind people and has the power, influence, diversity, and determination to help transform our dreams into reality.
Our organization began in 1920 as the Minnesota State Organization of the Blind. In our early years, we founded the Minnesota Home and Center for the Blind in St. Paul to deal with the difficulty blind people faced in finding housing. We then worked to change public attitudes that prevented the blind from being accepted as included members of the community. Public education and legislation corrected those conditions, and today blind people can secure housing. We closed the Home and Center in 1980 as we continued our programs for full integration of blind people into society.
In 1940, Minnesota and six other states founded the National Federation of the Blind. Today, the NFB numbers more than 50,000 blind people across 52 affiliates and numerous divisions.
Over the past century, we have made strong progress toward equality. We have improved employment opportunities and education for blind persons in the state of Minnesota and in the nation.Today, we provide individual counseling, advocacy, and education through a number of programs. Most of our members are blind, and our knowledge of blindness comes from our collective experience.
The membership of NFBM sets its programs and policies. Membership is open to blind or sighted persons interested in our mission. To be sure that these programs and policies reflect a true understanding of blindness, the majority of the members must be blind.
The members vote on decisions at open meetings. These meetings occur at regular intervals: monthly in local chapters, semiannually at a state convention, and annually at a national convention. The contributions of individuals, corporate donations,foundation grants, and fund raising by members finance all of our programs. Contributions to NFBM are tax-deductible.