Federation Family News

Federation Family News

The National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota is an organization focused on consumer advocacy for blind people and promoting a positive philosophy of blindness.  We are also a family.  Here is a column that we print from time to time, containing items that would not normally be sent out on our membership listserv but which are noteworthy and of interest to members.  Did you or a Federationist you know get a new job?  Go on a major trip?  Win an award?  Have a child?  Something else important to you?  If you have news you would like shared in this column, send it to the bulletin editor, Tom Scanlan, and he will pass it along.  Here’s the news since our last issue:

We are happy for Randi Strunk, who now has a full-time job at Target Headquarters, working to ensure that Target's web site is accessible. 

This has been a busy spring for Megan Bening.  She again participated in the national Braille Challenge at the Braille Institute and was a finalist at the varsity level.  She also graduated from high school this year.  All the best to you, Megan, as you meet the adventures of your future. 

In April, Steve and Kallie Decker's new baby girl, Kyra, came into the world.  All are doing well — congratulations to Kyra and to her parents!


Many of us are familiar with the astoundingly beautiful items of all sorts that George Wurtzel can make out of wood.  Now he has his own business, making furniture.  For more details, visit his Web site http://www.gmwurtzel.com

If we have missed some noteworthy news here, please send it along for the next column.  Happy summer to all!